Reconstructing Judaism

Reconstructionists approach Judaism—and life—with deep consideration of the past and a passion to relate it to the present. In a rapidly changing world, Reconstructionist communities share and create new ways of being Jewish to connect us to the divine and ensure our lives are filled with purpose.

Reconstructing Judaism is a vibrant, imaginative, and intellectually curious organization that trains the next generation of rabbis, supports and uplifts congregations and havurot, and encourages young people to be their best selves—while shaping what it means to be Jewish today and defining the Jewish future.

Reconstructing Judaism and the broader Reconstructionist movement welcome your voice, questions, and participation in something larger—creating a boldly relevant Judaism for today and tomorrow.

Learn more at and on YouTube here.

Congregation Leyv Ha-Ir ~ Heart of the City | P.O. Box 15836 | Philadelphia, PA 19103

215.629.1995 | |

Congregation Leyv Ha-Ir ~ Heart of the City is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 

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